Debate over Eisenhower memorial may come to a head at June meeting
It’s a small, contested piece of real estate on the National Mall, itself the most visible and valuable green space in the nation’s capital.
The 4-acre rectangle sits within view of the U.S. Capitol and is set to become the site of a monument to Dwight D. Eisenhower — the late president, supreme commander of Allied Forces during World War II and son of Kansas.
Just what that tribute should look like fuels a simmering war among admirers, lawmakers, the commission behind the memorial, celebrated architect Frank Gehry, city planning and art experts, and the Eisenhower family.
That fight could come to a head next month.
The Ike tribute will likely be the last memorial built on the mall. Stakeholders and lawmakers agree the 2-mile stretch from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol is maxed out.