With support from the University of Richmond

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New 9/11 museum announces it will open May 21

After years of planning, the national museum created to document and memorialize the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, will open to the public on May 21.

The museum has set aside the preceding week as a dedication period, when it will be kept open 24 hours a day so that survivors, the families of victims, emergency workers and neighborhood residents and business owners can preview the 110,000 square feet of exhibitions and tributes that document the history and memorialize the nearly 3,000 people killed that day.

“We are honored that the first people to experience this Museum will be the men and women who came to our aid and protected us on 9/11, the families of the innocent victims killed that day, and the survivors who lived to tell the tale of an unimaginable horror so that we may learn from the past,” said former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who is also chairman of the memorial. “The Museum is built upon their incredible stories.”...

Read entire article at New York Times