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Arguments about the facts of evolution

Singaporean writer Janadas Devan asks: "What is the greatest threat America faces today? Terrorism? The economic challenge posed by Asia’s two emerging giants, China and India? America’s gargantuan fiscal and current account deficits? I think it is none of the above. I’m willing to bet a modest sum that the greatest threat America faces in the long-term is the ignorance and gullibility of a great many Americans. It is they -- Americans themselves -- who pose the greatest threat to America. Now, why do I say that? The reason is the ridiculous argument that has broken out recently in America over the facts of evolution. How is it possible for two-thirds of the citizens of the greatest power the world has ever known to believe, in this day and age, on the cusp of the third millenium after Christ, that humans were created directly by God?" Mr Devan is based in Austin, Texas, from where he files a weekly report, "Call From America" for Radio Singapore International, analyzing current political, economic or social issues in America.
Read entire article at RSI "Call From America" 00:50-05:05