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Pat Robertson calls for the assassination of Hugo Chavez

Christian televangelist Pat Robertson set off an international firestorm this week when he called for the assassination of Venezuela's democratically-elected president Hugo Chavez. At a news conference Tuesday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was questioned about Roberton's comments. We speak with journalist and author Chris Hedges and attorney Michal Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights

Clips: Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network, speaking on "The 700 Club"; Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, news conference, August 23, 2005; Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, interviewed on CNN, August 23, 2005; Bernardo Alvarez, Venezuelan ambassador to U.S., news conference, August 23, 2005.

Guests: Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights; and Chris Hedges, journalist and author. He was a foreign correspondent for The New York Times and is currently a senior fellow at the Nation Institute. He is author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" and "Losing Moses on the Freeway." He has a Masters degree in theology from Harvard University. He is currently writing a book on the Christian Right.

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