With support from the University of Richmond

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Stirling's significance in Scots history

It is said 'whoever controls Stirling controls Scotland'. It lies at the strategic heart of the country and owes its history to the bridge that crosses the nearby River Forth. The bridge was the only practical way to cross the river and it was fought over for centuries. The Wallace monument casts its shadow over the city and a statue of Robert the Bruce stands proudly at the foot of the castle. So was Stirling just a conduit to the castle? Or did it emerge into the light and build a life of its own? Julian Richards takes a trip through Stirling to investigate its royal past.

Mapping the Town: The programme that uncovers the history of a town through the geographical clues found in its streets. With the help of local experts, archaeologist Julian Richards picks over the bones of each town in order to discover its origins and the course of its development over the years. This is an original way of exploring the history of a town which offers new and often surprising insight and brings to life the unique character of each place.

Read entire article at BBC Radio 4 "Mapping the Town"