Camille Paglia attacks politicizing of American universities & maligning of Western civilization by Europe-focused theorists (1hr 31min)
In an address archived on May 5th 2005, Camille Paglia talks about the culture war, focusing on the politicization of American universities and the maligning of Western civilization by campus theorists "addicted to French or German ideas that have no relevance to American culture." She also discusses the need for students to study the Bible in order to understand great art and literature; the mediocrity and triviality of current popular culture, which is the entire cultural landscape of the young; the decline of public education into feel-good humanitarianism; and the liberal politicization of the NEA, NPR, PBS and how this has severely damaged the cause of art in the United States. Finally, Paglia addresses the failure of conservatives to make headway against the outrageous vandalism of art by campus theorists, leaving several generations of students defrauded of a humanistic education. Note: Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Read entire article at American Enterprise Institute