Kevin R. KosarU.S. Government Researcher and Writer
The Internet is chock-full of websites that carry misinformation, crackpot notions, and buncombe. Amidst this dross, HNN, a nonpartisan source for information and historical analysis of contemporary issues, shines like a beacon. HNN is a resource that I am happy to support.
Lara Heimert Executive Editor, Basic Books
HNN provides a wonderful service for many of us outside the history profession. As a history editor, I rely on HNN to keep me up to date on rising stars in the field, what historians are saying about current events, the best new books, fresh trends in historiography, and debates within the field. I check in several times a week -- I use it to develop new book ideas and find great new authors. It's a tremendous resource, and deserves enthusiastic support.
Historian, UNC Wilmington
I’m ashamed that I hadn’t given something before. ... Thanks for such an excellent service. I use many of the stories for teaching ideas.