Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Feb 12, 2009

More Noted Things

Tom Palaima reviews Margaret Malamud's Ancient Rome and Modern America for the THES, 12 February.

Michael Kulikowski,"Bed-Hopping and Coup-Plotting," LRB, 12 February, reviews Christopher Kelly's Attila the Hun: Barbarian Terror and the Fall of the Roman Empire.

Sotheby's currently has on display the Valmadonna Library Trust's11,000 Hebrew books and manuscripts, the largest collection of Judaica in private hands. Its value is estimated at $40,000,000. Its purchase would catapult the purchasing institution into the forefront of the study of the history of Judaism.

Geoff Pevere,"Lincoln and Darwin: Separated at birth?" The Star, 1 February, reviews Adam Gopnik's Angels and Ages: A Short Book about Darwin, Lincoln, and Modern Life. Gopnik is interviewed about his book at"The Evolution of Darwin and Lincoln," The Daily Beast, 3 February. Hat tip.

Gregory Radick reviews Adrian Desmond's and James Moore's Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery and the Quest for Human Origins for the THES, 12 February.

Congratulations to James M. MacPherson and Craig L. Symonds, who share the Lincoln Prize in 2009 for MacPherson's Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief and Symonds's Lincoln and His Admirals: Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. Navy and the Civil War.

Philip Kennicott,"Words and Stone Summon the Intangible Abe," Washington Post, 12 February, reviews"With Malice Toward None," an exhibit at the Library of Congress, and"Designing the Lincoln Memorial: Daniel Chester French and Henry Bacon," an exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

Michael Kimmelman,"Art in Two Germanys Often Spoke the Same Tongue," NYT>, 11 February, reviews"Art of Two Germanys," an exhibit at California's Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

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