Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria welcomes Aaron Bady

Feb 3, 2009

Cliopatria welcomes Aaron Bady

Cliopatria is pleased to welcome Aaron Bady to its circle. A native of southeastern Ohio, Mr. Bady earned a B. A. in English at the Ohio State University and an M. A. in literature from American University in Washington, D. C. He is currently an advanced doctoral student in English at the University of California at Berkeley. Along the way, Bady studied African literature and did two tours of duty as a primary school teacher near Arusha, Tanzania. Nearing the end of his second tour, he began to blog at zunguzungu.

Bady's blog tracks the transition of his interests, from a curiosity about African literature to an interest in the ways in which"America's Africa" and"Africa's America" have been, in his words,"mutually constitutive narratives of identity, the ways that dialogs and travels between have made both identities 'thinkable' in a shared global context." The fascination of his developing ideas has won widespread attention in the academic blogosphere. He is now a member of the literary group blog, The Valve, and has guest-posted at The Edge of the American West. More recently, he won a Cliopatria Award as the history blogosphere's Best Writer. It is a pleasure to welcome him as a member of Cliopatria.

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More Comments:

chris l pettit - 2/4/2009

I just reread the comment and noted that it could be taken as stating that the soon-to-be Dr. Brady was the first Africanist on the blog. Apologies to Messers Burke and Reynolds for any misunderstanding. That was not my intent...

Rather...welcome to a scholar who has experienced the beauty of the Tanzania/Kenya region and has experienced the cultural epiphanies that it can offer.

I am eager to see how his study of a fascinating topic continues to develop. Of course, coming from a legal standpoint, I am interested in discussing how these social and cultural developments contribute to the framework under which socieities choose to govern themselves.

Aaron Bady - 2/3/2009

Thanks for the welcome, guys!

Chris, I'm not sure how much I'll write about Arusha specifically, but -- like you -- my experience there has stayed with me in ways that are hard to put into words.

Ralph E. Luker - 2/3/2009

fyi, Chris, Aaron Bady is the third Africanist among our current members. Tim Burke's research has centered in east Africa and Jonathan Reynolds's research has focused on west Africa.

chris l pettit - 2/3/2009

Great to see a writer familiar with Africa joining the blog. I am looking forward to posts that delve into your time in Arusha, as I lived and worked in Tanzania for a while myself and greatly miss the area. There's nothing like driving to work with Kilimanjaro rising in the distance out the windows of the bakkie...

Jeremy Young - 2/3/2009

Another great addition to the team.