Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of February 2, 2009

Feb 3, 2009

Week of February 2, 2009

  • Rasmussen Reports (poll)

    Consumer confidence has once again fallen to an all-time record low. The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures the economic confidence of consumers on a daily basis, fell for the ninth-time in eleven days and is now at the lowest level ever recorded.

  • Nick Mueller, president of the National World War II Museum

    There are 850 million museum visits a year in this country -- more than all other sporting events and theme parks combined. What kind of tragedy would it be if we Disney-fied our museums and got up to 1.5 billion visits a year and kids were learning more about history and about science and about global warming because we've borrowed so-called Disney techniques to help teach them? Is that a bad thing? I don't think so.

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