Blogs > Cliopatria > The Logic of An Illogical Position

Jan 29, 2009

The Logic of An Illogical Position

A group of extremist professors, all from California and all opposed to Israeli foreign policy, have launched a new organization devoted to bringing about an academic boycott of Israel.

Asked by Ha'aretz about the membership's position on U.S. foreign policy, group spokesperson David Lloyd confirmed that all signatories opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. This revelation prompted an unintentionally hilarious exchange:

Asked if logic wouldn't dictate that he and his colleagues boycott themselves, he responded,"Self-boycott is a difficult concept to realize. But speaking for myself, I would have supported and honored such a boycott had it been proposed by my colleagues overseas."

I hope that Lloyd, et al., more fully explore the merits of a"self-boycott." Such an outcome would, perhaps, represent a perfect outcome for the organization's effort.

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Ralph E. Luker - 2/6/2009

Mr. Hamilton, A colleague has reminded me of that prior conversation. You were put on notice then. Clearly, you are a troll, persisting in demeaning references to me and my colleagues and baiting me into discussion that has no intelligent purpose, so I will give it one. If you persist in this, I will ask that you be barred from commenting at HNN altogether.

R.R. Hamilton - 2/6/2009

Funny how you can't recall any specifics.

Ralph E. Luker - 2/5/2009

I find it considerably less fascinating than you apparently do. What I recall is that R. R. Hamilton has a long history as a discourteous house guest.

R.R. Hamilton - 2/5/2009

This is truly fascinating: If you really have no memory of all these things, why in the world would you wish I would boycott this site? What is the source of your animosity?

Ralph E. Luker - 2/5/2009

You have no right to refer to me with such familiarity and I haven't the faintest idea what "The Topic Which Dare Not Speak Its Name" or who my "disowned nephew" is. Try, at least, to be coherent, if not intelligent, if you insist on commenting here.

R.R. Hamilton - 2/5/2009

Aw, Uncle Ralph, are you still mad about my raising The Topic Which Dare Not Speak Its Name? I'm over your censorship of it; why can't you get over your disowned nephew's knowledge of it?

Ralph E. Luker - 2/5/2009

R. R. Hamilton's boycott of Cliopatria is probably too much to hope for.

R.R. Hamilton - 2/5/2009

You forgot to mention that Hamas deliberately targets Israeli kindergartens.

Perhaps American kindergarteners -- in solidarity with their Israeli colleagues -- should launch a boycott of the, at best, myoptic professors here.

Les Baitzer - 1/30/2009

"Wacky" = Anyone who shares the enduring belief that a Nation has an imperishable and inalienable right to defend itself.

This is a portion of the statement from the extremist group Dr. Johnson cites:

"As educators of conscience, we have been unable to stand by and watch in silence Israel's indiscriminate assault on the Gaza Strip and its educational institutions," the U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel stated in its inaugural press release last Thursday.

Apparently these extremist professors' "conscience" is not all bothered by Hamas' indiscriminate attacks on Israel with mortars and rockets launched from Gaza schoolyards.

The Israeli Defense Force posted video of one of these mortar attacks, in October of '08, from a UNRWA Boys School here:

Equating an internationally recognized terrorist group's (Hamas) written and oft publicized desire to eradicate a sovereign nation and to continue to attack it, with a citizens' resistance to their own government's policy (South African apartheid) to deny their civil rights is not predicated on logic.

It is based on insanity.

Ralph E. Luker - 1/30/2009

KC, I suppose that this states your own position clearly enough -- and, because I'm generally opposed to academic boycotts, I'm inclined to agree with you -- but I don't see how a statement like this is likely to persuade *anyone* who doesn't already agree with you that you are correct.

J. Douglas - 1/29/2009

The wacky world of Robert KC Johnson:

Extremists = people who share similar opinions with the rest of the world.

Logic of a self boycott? Sir, we have a way to change our own government's policy - elections. We have no way to change Israel's except outside pressure. Hence the group of scholars, whom you smear as extremists.

Follow the logic, not the Israeli government's position.