Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Winter Reading for Humanist Makers

Dec 9, 2008

Some Winter Reading for Humanist Makers

(Crossposted to Cliopatria & Digital History Hacks)

In December 2004, I bought a copy of Joe Martin's Tabletop Machining to see what would be involved in learning how to make clockwork mechanisms and automata. It was pretty obvious that I had many years of study ahead of me, but I had just finished my PhD and knew that publishing that would take a few years more. So I didn't mind beginning something else that might take ten or fifteen years to master. Since then, I've been reading steadily about making things, but it wasn't until this past fall that I actually had the chance to set up a small Lab for Humanistic Fabrication and begin making stuff in earnest. Since it's December again, I thought I'd put together a small list of books to help other would-be humanist makers.

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More Comments:

William J Turkel - 12/10/2008

R.J., thanks for the link to your wonderful essay. Mandatory reading for pragmatists!

R.J. O’Hara - 12/9/2008

What a fascinating list of readings, now bookmarked. For some tangentially related thoughts on manu-facture and its role in liberal education (to counter what's been called "the extinction of experience"), readers might enjoy my post "Every college a farm, every college a manufactory."

Jonathan Dresner - 12/9/2008

I was quite unsure what this was about, or how it related to history until I went to Digital History Hacks and looked at the post preceding this one, which explicitly talks about the historic and historical place of home-based fabrication technology. I'd highly recommend that people read that first.