Nov 25, 2008


I usually do not post this stuff but I thought we can use some right now. I know this smells of dispair:

Susanne Klatten: the billionairess and her dangerous liaison:

A gigolo is accused of seducing, then trying to swindle Germany's richest woman out of millions of euros. The tale involves a Mafia link, Nazi slave labour, a secret sex film and an Italian sect

Return of the Neanderthals If we can resurrect them through fossil DNA, should we?

McDonalds Sued by Couple for Nude Pictures

McDonalds is facing a lawsuit of $3 million from a couple who got racy pictures of the wife posted online , along with her name, address and telephone number, after the husband left a phone containing the pictures in McDonalds employees’ care.

Westerners Welcome Harems

A Scottish judge recently bent the law to benefit a polygamous household. The case involved a Muslim male who drove 64 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone – usually grounds for an automatic loss of one's driving license. The defendant's lawyer explained his client's need to speed:"He has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow and sleeps with one one night and stays with the other the next on an alternate basis. Without his driving licence he would be unable to do this on a regular basis." Sympathetic to the polygamist's plight, the judge permitted him to retain his license.

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