Blogs > Cliopatria > Is it irresponsible of Barack Obama to hold large outdoor rallies in light of the threats against his life?

Nov 16, 2008

Is it irresponsible of Barack Obama to hold large outdoor rallies in light of the threats against his life?

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Food for Thought

Associated Press 10-28-08

Four US presidents have been assassinated, while Ronald Reagan was extremely lucky to survive being shot in 1980. That unfortunate past, combined with lingering presence of white supremacist groups has created a nagging fear that at some time someone will make a move against the politician now on the verge of becoming the country's first black president.

Mr Obama received protection from the Secret Service in early 2007, the earliest ever stage of an election for a presidential candidate, after threats to his life were received. The details were never released, but a bevy of burly, well-armed agents has been at his side ever since.

Among the African American community, the murder of Martin Luther King, gunned down in 1968, still haunts Mr Obama's candidacy.

The reforms that Dr King gave his life for - the end of segregation in the south in 1964 and improved legal protection for the black community - have seen a reduction in racist violence over the years.

But there are numerous neo-Facist groups across the United States that pursue an agenda of hatred for all immigrants, Jews and African Americans. The oldest such group, the Ku Klux Klan, remains in operation.

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More Comments:

Lawrence Brooks Hughes - 11/3/2008

I suspect Mr. Hoang Mai above knows a lot more about communism in the real world than you do, despite his broken English. An Obama victory on Tuesday will be the culmination of decades of work by Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and many other communists or fellow travelers, including Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama. When these people saw they were getting nowhere setting off bombs they changed their tactics and took over the U.S. school system instead, creating a whole generation--maybe two generations-- of young people who know nothing of capitalism and the gains it has brought to the U.S. as well as the rest of mankind, and of course haven't enough sense to vote against a smooth demagogue like Obama. We may still have a few protections, and Mr. Hoang Mai may be something of an alarmist, but it is comforting that he and many others are alive to the menace which is coming closer.

Bill Stepp - 11/3/2008

Bhutto was killed at a rally.
FDR was targeted at a rally, and Cermak was killed.

Jim McQuiston - 11/3/2008

God Bless You, Sabrina! We have all been scared too long. And we weren't scared of terrorists we were scared of Republicans who would eavesdrop on, ruin, and even jail fellow Americans simply because they disagreed with them. Enough is enough, it is time to take America back from the oil companies and arms manufacturers like Haliburton and their buddies. No coincidence at all that Cheney was the former boss at Haliburton and Bush was a former oil man. Anyone who can't see how they've raped America better go see the Wizard of Oz in a hurry.

Jim McQuiston - 11/3/2008

I agree - and Sarah Palin should already be charges with hate speech and inciting a riot. It has been her hate-filled rhetoric, calling Obama a celebrity, an elitist, a terrorist, a socialist (geeze, is that the best you can do?) that has led people to call out for Obama's death. Is this what American politics has come to? If you can't beat the other guy honestly, you incite someone to kill him? And you guys worry that Obama is anti-American and a communist - Palin, hmmm, spelled a lot like Stalin, and remember she said she could see Russia from her office - maybe it's rubbing off on her.

Jim McQuiston - 11/3/2008

It is absolutely amazing that someone could think the way hoang mai does. It was Bush who spread the wealth around to his buddies at Haliburton and other arms manufacturers, and to his wealthy friends. I am tired of my hard-earned tax money going to some fat cat with a $72 million dollar yacht while I live in a one-bedroom apartment. It was also Bush who condoned torture, eavesdropped on Americans, dissolved habeas corpus - things you'd expect from a communist, and McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time, he said so himself. My God will you people wake up and see what is really happening? Vote for Obama before it is too late for America.

Lawrence Brooks Hughes - 11/2/2008

You don't need to be from "a neo-fascist group." There are just as many crazy leftists who want to kill John McCain and Sarah Palin. But you can't be POTUS if you are going to live in perpetual fear of such a thing, either. All decent people can do is top giving the crazies the idea--as you are doing with this article. If Obama gets murdered it is more the fault of public speculation like yours than of any deep premeditation by right wingers. Those who commit such crimes are mostly idiots, easily led, and vulnerable to the power of suggestion. They suffer from the "monkey see, monkey do" syndrome.

hoang mai - 11/1/2008

Obama is not qualify:;feature=related

I love our country. I believe Obama is the communist. "Spread the wealth around" is the definition of Communist. Now he is also want to give Driver License to illegal allient. I am so afraid that our country will turn to Communist country like China, North Korea, Cuba.

hoang mai - 11/1/2008

I would not worry because Obama associate with anti-America group. Therefore it never will be harmed. Please see one of many true below:

‘95 Flashback: Obama Says Rev. Wright Represents ‘Best’ Black Church Has to Offer;feature=related

hoang mai - 11/1/2008

‘95 Flashback: Obama Says Rev. Wright Represents ‘Best’ Black Church Has to Offer;feature=related

wes burkett - 10/31/2008

Monday the case will closed. or how can a man go for president if he has more holes in his balck body as swiss cheese . Keep your eyes on monday. Wes. a true texican

Lawrence Wittner - 10/29/2008

If Obama is murdered by extremists, it will not be his fault but, rather, that of the Republicans who have used extremist rhetoric--claiming that he is friendly with terrorists, harbors radical views, and, overall, is alien and un-American. Such behavior not only pollutes American politics, but brings out the worst behavior in people.

Andrew J. Grgurich - 10/29/2008


Jeremy Young - 10/29/2008

Assassinations don't happen at guarded rallies, they happen in unguarded and unexpected places. RFK was killed in a kitchen. MLK was killed on his hotel balcony. JFK was killed in a car on a public street. Obama's rallies are clearly secure enough for the purpose.

norman kelley - 10/29/2008

Well, If you're running to be the leader of the free world, you have to take some risk. If he didn't, people would find fault with that.

Steven - 10/29/2008

Seeing that Mr. Obama is quite close to being the first Black President ever elected this seems to be a threat that any black American would have to face in his shoes.I think it very important for the people involved take these threats seriously but to back down from terror threats just would promote more of the same kind of threats in the future
In these dark days of the world economy we have to wonder if this will be the last presidential election of a once strong and unconquered country.
Being from a country looking in on the United States,I see a country that is close to falling from it's place at the top of the world leaders.All because of greed over oil.2008 will not end without the world seeing the United States fall from grace and Countries like the European Union take over as world leaders

- 10/29/2008

Running Associated press items - well not very professional...

Wayne Cutler - 10/29/2008

Presidents and candidates for the presidency cannot be well protected in either large or small gatherings, indoors or out, in motorcades with or without the tops down, in the streets of Berlin or Dallas or Memphis. If a cadidate would stand against the politics of fear and the rule of thugs, he/she must take the risk of public assassination and live out that defiance in exceptional ways. Such is the price of leadership in a not so civil society.

MTO - 10/28/2008

Of course not. Cowering in the face of threats (unless the Secret Service judges them to be credible) is giving in to blackmail, and opens the door to thugs to use threats to stop a campaign.

Sabrina - 10/28/2008

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. It's no different than a terrorist threat, and we can't let them win, now can we?