Blogs > "They must think you're stupid"

Sep 11, 2008

"They must think you're stupid"

Thus spoke Barack Obama in mocking derision of an obvious falsehood after McCain began selling himself as the real agent of change.

I have news for Mr. Obama.

"They" the Republicans do think "you're stupid." And I have to admit the evidence keeps piling up that they're right.

We spend two whole days debating whether Barack Obama insulted Sarah Palin and we're supposed to think that's a sign of our intelligence as a self-governing people?


Obama had the nerve the other day to echo his veep's claim that the American people are smart.

But where's the evidence of it?

It's my official position of course that it is silly to call the American people stupid. It's impossible to generalize like that about 300 million plus people. But they sure aren't smart. Smart voters wouldn't put up with debates about pigs wearing lipstick.

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Jonathan Dresner - 9/12/2008

I've had a few conversations, the gist of which has always been "Isn't this the dumbest thing you've ever heard? By the way, did you notice how Obama and Bush agree on more than McCain and Bush?" or some such substantive transition.

John W. Stucky - 9/12/2008

" need to define 'we' before making blanket statements about us in general"?

It sounds like you would like to be excluded from the "we" indulging in such an inane discussion, and yet, here you are... talking about it. I guess the definition of "we" you are after will include you.

Rick Shenkman - 9/11/2008

I have been in 3 states in the last 4 days. Everywhere I went people were talking about that stupid pig controversy.

Jonathan Dresner - 9/11/2008

We spend two whole days debating whether Barack Obama insulted Sarah Palin and we're supposed to think that's a sign of our intelligence as a self-governing people?

I saw the news media blathering on, as they often do to fill time, trying to get a controversy going (as they did with the "tension" over the Clintons at the DNC), but I don't see a lot of people buying it. The "lipstick-on-a-pig" idiom-using segment of the population is too big, I think.

That said, my data set is politically aware bloggers and commenters. Still, you need to define "we" before making blanket statements about us in general.