Apr 17, 2006


Not possible argues Jeffrey Gedmin, Director of the Aspen Institute office in Berlin in The Welt. It is worth reading. But the wire services are trying.

For example, Israel left Gaza. In the process it uprooted families from their homes. The Gazans cheered. Soft hearted Wolfenson and apparently not so smart Bill Gates bought the thriving Hot Houses the much maligned"settlers" built. Gaza is crowded. It needs the land the"settlers" occupied went the argument. Within a short few months the hot houses were destroyed. The Gazans who used to work at them are jobless. The land had become terrorist training camps and a place from which to send Kassam rockets into Israel proper. The rockets are inaccurate but they kill.

If you assume that the right of Israel to respond to these attacks is beyond doubt, you'd be wrong. The old narrative of Israeli aggression and Palestinian"victimhood" is maintained regardless of the obvious facts on the ground. Today I watched the BBC reporter describe breathlessly the Israeli shelling of an empty space in an effort to prevent it being used to lob missiles at Israeli towns. It also noted that a shell hit a Palestinian home by mistake and injured a child. The story ended with an interview of an Israeli mother whose daughter was killed by a Kassam rocket. By switching the order of the event, the reporter left the impression that Israel started the violence.

He is not unique. Here are some of the headlines describing the cross border violence on the Gaza border:

Arab states want UN to press Israel to end attacks

Children targeted in Gaza retaliatory shelling

Israel/Occupied Territories: Gaza shelling must stop

Israel expands zone for retaliatory strikes in Gaza

Israel to continue Gaza shelling despite risks to civilians

Israel 'to step up Gaza shelling'

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