Apr 3, 2008


If Yale accepted a Taliban in the hope that Yale will moderate him, they are fooling themselves. The fashionable relativism of today's Western campuses merely serves to provide Islamists with the intellectual tools to sell their no holds bar war against non Islamists to their fellow classmates and, indeed, to Western academic and media intellectuals. Muhammad Atta was far from unique. Today the Philadelphia Inquirer profiled a leading Hammas terrorist by the name of Abdel Aziz Dweik educated by the American tax payer.

Dweik, who wears his moustache short and sports a white beard, is highly educated. He earned a bachelor's degree in geography in Jordan and a master's in education from Bethlehem University. Studying on a U.S.-backed scholarship, he earned a master's in urban planning at State University of New York in Binghamton.

From 1985 to 1988, once again on a U.S. grant, he earned a master's and a doctorate in urban planning at Penn. His doctoral dissertation analyzed the reasons Palestinians commuted from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to work in Israel.

How successful was he in selling the Hamas terrorist agenda in the city of brotherly love?"A gregarious, soft-spoken man with an easy manner, Dweik can be politically unyielding," is the way the veteran reporter Philly reporter describes him. Do note that"politically unyielding" is his pseudonym for a man who encourages Palestinian children to become homicide bombers in order to destroy Israel, a country founded by the UN.

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More Comments:

pst314 - 3/25/2006

I'd say it's more than a fashionable relativism. A significant part of academia takes an reflexive anti-American attitude.

Of course, how do you moderate the beliefs of somebody who has already grown up in a radically intolerant culture?