Oct 15, 2005


"In unexpected calm, millions of Iraqis voted on Saturday in a referendum on a new constitution . . ." begins Reuter's report. Bill Roggio summarizes the day thus:

The Iraqis have voted on the referendum. Turnout is reported to be high in many areas of Iraq. Saddam's own hometown in Tikrit is estimated to have had a 78% turnout. Dr. Fareed Ayar, a member of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, estimates over 11 million particpated in the ballot, almost 70% of the registered voters. The much touted"Ramadan Offensive", designed to disrupt the election process and bring the Iraqi people to their knees has failed.

Iraq the Model tells an enlightening story:

I met one friend on the way and when I asked him what would his vote be he said that he hasn’t decided yet “if I voted yes I would be approving some articles that I don’t agree with and if I voted no we would go back to where we started from…” he said.

Iraq the Model found the friend's words refreshing"because this guy who used to believe in conspiracy theories and stuff like “what America wants is what’s going to happen." Now he along with other Sunnis know that their votes can make a difference and have turned out in large numbers.

I find them refreshing because he recognizes that no choice is perfect and he is accepting of that reality. This is also the point made by Sooni:

I think the time has come to choose between YES and NO for the new constitution and to tell the truth it's not easy to decide what to choose for which both choices have their advantages and disadvantages. . .

Few days ago I would have said NO but now after the agreement of shifting all"disputed among things" to the new Assembly which we wish will be more balanced and represents all Iraqis since most of Sunni Arabs are willing to participate in the coming elections, though the seculars may not have any seats in the new Assembly (because they are still afraid of nominating themselves that they might get killed) I switch to YES.

Read the rest and enjoy the photos of voting Iraqis who uniquely in the Arab world know their votes matter. The American soldier's letter from Baghdad is also a must. Never forget that these are the pictures which make tyrants and Jihadists tremble.

As Martha would say, it is a good thing. A creative sharing of the oil revenue, can make it even better.

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