Blogs > Hello from Jim Boyden from Baton Rouge

Jul 8, 2006

Hello from Jim Boyden from Baton Rouge

Mr. Boyden is chairman of the History Department at Tulane.

To our department and its friends:
May this find you all safe and sound. Alisa and I are fine here in Baton Rouge. The land line is 225 763 9910. For email works, at least when the ISP isn't overwhelmed by the traffic.

I am tabulating what I've gleaned about the whereabouts and contact info of faculty, graduate students and friends of the department, and will try to distribute at least a rough version by the end of the day (via email, so send your address if I don't have it). Yesterday and today I've begun hearing from or about lots of you, and I hope everyone will be back in touch soon. Of Ken Harl and Trudy Yeager, though, I have no word, not even a hint of hearsay. And the same goes for Donna Denneen and Pam Smith. And while I've heard from or about a large number of graduate students, others remain unaccounted for (and since I don't have a complete roster available, I can't say who or how many for sure).

For the moment, I have no two-way communication with Tulane administrators, but I'm very confident that we'll have answers to basic questions and be able to begin reconstituting the department soon. In the meantime, share your news, and be safe.


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More Comments:

carlos haag - 10/3/2005

Dear Professor

I am an editor for Bravo Magazine (, a brazilian monthly nationwide culture magazine (circulation around 500.000 copies every month). We are doing a cover article on the great importance of New Orleans for the american culture and all the questions that arouse now with the recent tragedy. Therefore I would like to do a phone or e-mail interview with you regarding the town as the roots of jazz and also about some other aspects of american culture that are rooted in New Orleans and what to expect for the future. Many thanks for your help in advance. Best wishes,

erica santoyo - 9/21/2005

can you send me pictures about the huracan katrina? pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee?if you say yes send it to my email please? thanks for listening to me

Bruce Raeburn - 9/6/2005

Hi all: Linda and I are in Oakland with my sister and her husband. Based on what Scott has provided, it would appear that the Hogan Jazz Archive did not sustain any major damage, so I remain hopeful. Linda is already in possession of a library card at UC Berkeley and has been doing research every day--the best therapy. Now we wait. Best to all, Bruce Boyd Raeburn

Jane Graham - 9/6/2005


annemarie george - 9/6/2005

Donna, if you see this, it's Anne from Mater Dei, Just to let you know that I have been thinking of you and praying for you since the storm hit. Be safe, let me know if I can do anything to help you and your family. 813 230 4636


Johanna Kasper - 9/6/2005

Dr. Schafer,
I am a Tulane political economy student looking for Prof. Teichgraeber's email address. I am trying to obtain a copy of the PECN 302 syllabus so I can do an independent study at Cornell. Please advise

Johanna Kasper

John C. Williams - 9/4/2005

Could some one please tell me how I might contact Ken? He is a former student of mine when he was an undergraduate at Trinity College. We here continue to pray for all of you.

Evan Sparks - 9/4/2005

I saw Professor Harl and Ms Denneen's names on the LAS livejournal account, where an LAS secretary is recording those faculty members who have checked in. I believe there is a link to it from

Steve Kaplan - 9/2/2005

Do you know how to reach the dean of the architecture school? Thanks,

Judith k.Schafer - 9/2/2005

My family is safe in Birmingham. we will leave on Sunday and go to Williamsburg where my son's in laws (Warren and Carol Billings) have a house.

I am glad to hear so many in the department are safe.

Judith Schafer
Visiting Professor of History and Law