Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Jun 30, 2011

Thursday's Notes

  • Daisy Banks interviews "Daniel Headrick on Technology and Nature," The Browser, 29 June, for his choice of five crucial books on the subject.
  • Ronald Hutton reviews Craig Koslofsky's Evening's Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe for the THE, 23 June. Jack Rakove, "The Secret Agent," The Book, 30 June, reviews Thomas J. Schaeper's Edward Bancroft: Scientist, Author, Spy. Sophia Rosenfeld, "The Fight Over Common Sense," Daily Beast, 29 June, draws on her research for Common Sense: A Political History. Bookforum, 29 June, rounds up reviews of recent books on the reshaping of the British Empire.
  • Jean Bollack, "The Freudian romance," signandsight, 9 June, reviews Sigmund Freud's and Martha Bernays's "Sei mein, wie ich mir's denke. Die Brautbriefe". Unabridged edition in five volumes, vol. 1. Edited by Gerhard Fichtner, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis and Albrecht Hirschmüller. The review was originally published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 9 April 2011.
  • Toby Ash, "Norman Stone," Dabbler, 28 June, sketches Oxford's former modern European historian. See also: Boyd Tonkin, "From Tory to Turkey: Maverick historian Norman Stone storms back with partisan epic of Cold War world," Independent, 14 May 2010.

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