Blogs > Cliopatria > July's Carnivals

Jun 28, 2011

July's Carnivals

Tim Abbott at Walking the Berkshires hosts the 100th edition of History Carnival on 1 July. You can e-mail him at greensleevesenviro*@*sbcglobal*.*net or use the form to nominate the best in June's history blogging.

Biblical Studies Carnival LXIV goes up at Christian Brady's Targuman on 1 July.

July's Art History Carnival goes up at The Earthly Paradise on 6 July. Use the form to nominate the best in June's art history blogging.

The Giant's Shoulders #37, the history of science carnival, goes up at Providentia on 16 July. Use the form to nominate the best in the history of science blogging since mid-June.

Carnivalesque #76, an early modern edition of the festival, goes up at Madame Guillotine on 23 June. Use the form to nominate the best in early modern history blogging since mid-May.

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