Nov 1, 2010


Another day, another close call. These close calls are coming fast and furious Dubai bomb was flown on Qatar Airlines passenger planes reports teh BBC. White House: Bombs Could Have Detonated in Midair, Terror Threat 'Ongoing'

John Brennan went on every Sunday show to tell us what we already know. He is useless. The terrorists have outsmarted us yet again by successfully identifying our vulnerabilities. Unlike us, the Saudis have some well placed sources and informed us at the very last minute:

I think they still are at war with us, and we are very much at war with them. And so they're going to try to identify vulnerabilities that might exist in the system. They continue to go after aviation targets. We need to stay one step ahead of them. We've been very fortunate that we've been able to thwart some of these attacks, again, working very closely with our partners overseas. So we feel as though this is something that we need to maintain our vigilance every day for the foreseeable future.

Next time, we may not be so lucky. Next time, the Saudis may decide not to inform us. Clearly, with Obama in the White House, Jihadist figures that it is safe again to attack the US as no serious retaliation is to be expected. As our brilliant president said: Americans can take it!

No, Barack Hussein Obama is NOT keeping us safe. The opposite is true.

Also see, Victor Davis Hanson, Time to rethink our national security policies You think?!

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