Blogs > Liberty and Power > Cleaned by Capitalism

Apr 22, 2005

Cleaned by Capitalism

Here's a letter that I sent this Earth Day to the Christian Science Monitor:

22 April 2005

Editor, The Christian Science Monitor

Dear Editor:

Clay Bennett’s Earth Day cartoon shows scissors (labeled “White House”) recklessly slicing through environmental statutes. Without here questioning the merits of the statutes or the reality of the slicing, I plead for protection of a most endangered resource: perspective. Pause for a moment to appreciate just how clean and safe our everyday environments are compared to those of our ancestors.

- Refrigeration keeps our food free of bacterial pollution;
- indoor plumbing immediately whisks away our own waste;
- household detergents clean our homes of germs and grime;
- automobiles keep our streets clean of horse manure and the swarms of flies it attracts;
- antibiotics and other medicines protect our bodies from many diseases, such as tuberculosis, that were major killers just a century ago.

In fact, our everyday lives are more sanitary and healthier today than at any time in history.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Chairman, Department of Economics
Enterprise Hall
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

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More Comments:

Max Swing - 4/24/2005

It would be right, if you knew the exact definition of "clean" they use ;)

They define clean and environmentally-friendly mostly different than any sane person would do.
Everything constructed in an artificial (not original natural) way is named as a pollutant.
So, horse dung would be ok, but a diesel-car with filters would not.
It's the same with household detergents: Thy kill natural germs and grime, thus they are not natural.

You get my point ;)

I would like to hear of the answer, if there is one..