Living on the Inside...and Living on the Outside
I've justed posted a lengthy essay,"Living on the Inside...and Living on the Outside," over at The Light of Reason. It arose out of some comments (in particular, mine and some of those from Jeanine Ring) in response to this post of mine several days ago. That, in turn, dealt with what I consider to be Lawrence Summers' profoundly unfortunate comments about men and women, and the purported causes for perceived differences in their achievements in math and science.
In the course of the essay, I deal with issues relating to the dynamics of power, what I call" contextual libertarianism," Ayn Rand's identification with the male power structure, how Rand's methodology changed dramatically from one subject to another, some of my own experiences as a gay man, and some other things as well.
I would welcome people's thoughts in the the comments here, even (and perhaps especially) if you disagree with what I say, in whole or in part. I obviously think I'm correct on the major points, but I'm still in the process of working out the details and ramifications of many of these ideas. As I indicate, I expect to have much more to say about many of these issues in the days to come.