For your convenience
Cliopatria's History Blogroll has now been divided into categories. Roughly. This means that I have now read, at least once, every blog on our blogroll. Comments, suggestions (and we're always looking for new blogs), complaints and compliments may be registered here. They may be ignored.
A thought, after cataloging: I was struck, actually, by the very large number of"academic lives" (which is, I grant you, a catch-all category)," commentary" and"historians who write about many things" (into which category Cliopatria would also surely fall), and the relative paucity of strong regional and"epochal" and event-focused blogs. Some of that is a function of our decision (so far) to leave off blogs on our main blogroll, but I do think it speaks to the relative weakness, so far, of the blogosphere as a professional venue for historians. This is not yet the venue of choice for serious discussions. I think that can, and should, and will change, but we're not there yet.