Blogs > Liberty and Power > Survival, the First Refuge of the Scoundrel

Aug 21, 2009

Survival, the First Refuge of the Scoundrel

Recently, US President Obama issued an edict ordering a gaggle of experts to "review" America's manned space flight program. In bureauspeak, what this means is that former President W's wish to send US space craft to infinity and beyond has a price tag that makes even so drunk a sailor as Obama take pause to count what's in his wallet. These days, not much.

Naturally, this vague hint at fiscal prudence has NASA bureaucrats scrambling to come up with a reason, any reason, plausible enough to get their hands on the loot that W's promise had dazzled them with.

Former NASA chief Michael Griffin pulled the first rabbit out of NASA's hat, claiming, "In the long run, human populations must diversify if it wishes to survive."

Well, if that's the case, here's my paycheck...

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