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Jun 30, 2009

20th Century American History Notes

Christina Hoff Sommers,"Persistent Myths in Feminist Scholarship," CHE, 29 June, argues that much feminist scholarship is unreliable.

Lynne Curry,"Intellectual Seduction: The Promise and Perils of Eugenics," H-Law, June, reviews Victoria F. Nourse's In Reckless Hands: Skinner v. Oklahoma and the Near-Triumph of American Eugenics and Paul A. Lombardo's Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell. Hat tip.

Adam Kirsch,"All Quiet," TNR, 24 June, reviews Hasia Diner's We Remember With Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence after the Holocaust, 1945-1962. Mark Oppenheimer,"The Denial Twist," Tablet, 23-26 June, is a four-part series on the Holocaust Denial movement in the United States: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV.

Eric Rauchway,"Buffy writes a journal article, Edge of the American West, 29 June, launches a series about journal articles that are both interesting and non-trivial. First up: Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua and Clarence Lang,"The ‘Long Movement' as Vampire: Temporal and Spatial Fallacies in Recent Black Freedom Studies," Journal of African American History 92, no. 2 (Spring 2007): 265-288.

Finally,"Origins of the Moonwalk" features footage of dancers who anticipated Michael Jackson's"Moonwalk." In alphabetical order, they include: Fred Astaire, Bill Bailey, Buck and Bubbles, Cab Calloway, Clark Brothers, Sammy Davis Jr., Daniel L. Haynes,"Rubberneck" Holmes, Patterson and Jackson, Eleanor Powell, Bill Robinson, Three Chefs (only the feet), Tip Tap and Toe (feat. Ray Winfield), and Earl"Snakehips" Tucker.