Blogs > Liberty and Power > Thank You!

Jun 30, 2009

Thank You!

A number of people both asked for a copy of my paper and have now ent me their comments. All have been helpful, some very valuable, and their feed back will lead to changes/improvements in the final version. That is one of the great things about a listserve such as Liberty and Power, with its many active and creative scholars.

Many readers liked most aspects of the paper, some were more measured, and all made helpful suggestions and criticisms. Some of the more orthodox libertarians, it seems to me, did not try very hard to understand what I was saying, and sent me pretty predictable criticisms. But they were helpful as well, and I appreciate the time they took to respond. They helped me see how I might be misread! That is a genuine service.

I have not yet personally contacted most who sent me comments, but I will. Again, thanks again to all who have or mau=y still do so.

Gus diZerega

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