Blogs > Cliopatria > Two Distractions and More Awards ...

Jan 11, 2005

Two Distractions and More Awards ...

If you had something more important to do, like finishing your syllabi, doing that book review, or working on the book, you'd be doing that instead of reading blogs. Right? Well, maybe not. But since you are reading blogs, here are two distractions that Elfin Ethicist and Rebunk recommend:
1) The Historic Tale Construction Kit challenges you to create your own Bayeux tapestry; but
2) So far as I can tell, Die Wagenschenke has no redeeming social value. Call it a test of your fine motor skills.

The Brass Crescent Awards are presented to Muslim blogs and blogs interested in the Muslim world. Friends of Cliopatria are nominated in several categories.
From A Fist Full of Euros, Scott Martens'"Daniel Pipes on Tariq Ramadan: Why French Literacy Still Matters" is nominated for Best Single Post.
From Chapati Mystery, Sepoy's"Religion in America" is nominated for Best Series.
Sepoy's Chapati Mystery is also nominated for Most Deserving of Wider Recognition.*
The nominees for Best Non-Muslim Blog include a number of Cliopatria's friends: Abu Aardvark, American Amnesia, Amygdala, Angry Arab, Brian's Study Breaks, Head Heeb, and Juan Cole's Informed Comment.
Abu Aardvark is also nominated for Best Thinker.
Don't forget to vote!

* That Sepoy, he's something else. Chapati Mystery was chosen Best Pakistani Blog in the Asian Blog Awards 2004, you recall. I wonder if he'd be interested in being a Cliopatriarch? Nah, probably not.

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