Blogs > Cliopatria > Non-Conventional ...

Jan 10, 2005

Non-Conventional ...

All kidding aside, my colleagues at Cliopatria had serious business at the American Historical Association convention. Tim Burke discussed funding and grant writing for graduate students, Jon Dresner presented a paper on"Early Meiji Reforms in Yamaguchi Prefecture" and Greg Robinson presented a paper on"Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and the Black Freedom Struggle." While reporting on a session about the history scandals for History News Network was my heaviest duty, meeting with other members of History News Service's advisory board, other history bloggers, and other Cliopatriarchs at the AHA convention were its highlights for me. Next year, I hope we meet more of us in Philadelphia. In the meantime, I am grateful to Oscar Chamberlain, Sharon Howard, Jon Dresner, and KC Johnson who generously put in overtime at Cliopatria during my AHA sabbatical.

The weekend sabbatical leaves me with some catching up to do. Cliopatria's History Blogroll continues to grow. I want to call attention to a recent addition to it, War Historian by Mark Grimsley, a prize-winning historian at Ohio State, and to another blog we've not yet had a chance to add, Serving the Word by Seth L. Sanders, a post-doctoral scholar at the University of Chicago. Grimsley and Sanders are especially effective bloggers in their fields of military history and ancient near eastern studies. You are sure to hear more from both of them.

In turn, many thanks to Kevin Drum at Political Animal for including Cliopatria on his list of Blogs for the New Year! We are in very worthy company on Kevin's list. Cliopatria welcomes all political animals!

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