Blogs > Cliopatria > The History Carnival is opening for business

Jan 9, 2005

The History Carnival is opening for business

OK, everyone, here goes.

The first issue of the History Carnival will be posted at Early Modern Notes sometime on or around Friday 14 January. Submissions will be taken right up till Friday, which gives you time to decide on your favourite history posts to submit (and to write the ones you've been meaning to get around to, for that matter...).

Firstly, Check out the Carnival homepage for general guidelines. Please note the following points in particular:

It must be stressed that it's not just for academics and specialists, that entries certainly don't have to be heavyweight scholarship. But they do have to uphold certain standards of factual accuracy and critical use of evidence... They may be focused on a historical topic, on the author's particular research interests or, alternatively, on the particular challenges and rewards of studying, researching and teaching history. Other examples of possible candidates for inclusion could include reviews of history books or web resources, discussions of 'popular' histories (films, dramas and documentaries, novels, etc).

NB, however, two important points:
1. Entries should go beyond posts that consist only of web links or of quotes from other sources with no (or very little) discussion;
2. Although they may be controversial (because good history often is), please don't submit posts that are simply polemics on current issues or partisan politics. (Writing that engages with the past to discuss present issues will be considered, but should involve significant historical content and analysis.)

If you're unsure about a post, send the link to me anyway and I'll look at it and decide.

How to submit entries
To submit a blog post for inclusion, please send the following information to me at: sharon AT earlymodernweb DOT org DOT uk (replace AT with @ and DOT with . and close up the spaces), and put 'History Carnival' clearly in the title of your email. (Just in case my email software dumps messages from unfamiliar senders in the spam folder.)

1. The title and permalink URL of the blog post you wish to nominate and the author's name (or pseudonym).

2. The title of the blog on which it appears (please note if it is a group blog).

You can submit your own work or that of others, but please do not submit more than one post per author (except in cases where an author has posted on the same subject in multiple instalments).

Because this is the first Carnival, and because of the lull over Christmas, I'll consider posts from the beginning of December onwards. (In subsequent Carnivals, if things go well, the usual aim will be to exclude anything more than about a month old, and to concentrate on posts published since the previous Carnival.)

Finally, the host of the second Carnival is likely to be Ralph Luker here at Cliopatria, but I'll give him a chance to recover from the AHA meeting before that's finalised. Others who volunteered last week should also be hearing from me soon to discuss dates for their tour of duty. (I'll be looking for further volunteers some time in February, I hope.)

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