Blogs > Cliopatria > A Pause ...

Dec 30, 2004

A Pause ...

The known death toll in southeast Asia from the earthquake and the tsunamis that followed it has now grown to over 76,000, perhaps over 100,000 and perhaps as many as 80,000 on Sumatra alone, and still climbing. It may be the most destructive natural disaster in recent world history. I am asking my colleagues to join me and our friends at Crooked Timber in allowing this notice of places to send our contributions for relief to remain at the top at Cliopatria for the rest of the day.
American Red Cross
British Red Cross
CNN's List of Organizations Accepting Contributions
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Oxfam's UK Appeal
Contributions at, which Manan Ahmed recommends in comments for convenience, have mounted to over $4,000,000 and counting.

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More Comments:

Manan Ahmed - 12/29/2004 has the same setup but for more charities.

Manan Ahmed - 12/29/2004

To donate quickly and easily to American Red Cross, I highly recommend using's 1-click setup on their main page.