Cliopatria and Global Blogging ...
Not to put too fine a point on it, but you have met the future and it is here. Hala Fattah reports at Cliopatria from Aman, Jordan. Sharon Howard posts here from Wales. Manan Ahmed, a native of Pakistan, keeps us posted on south Asia; and Jonathan Dresner covers east Asia for us from Hawaii. Swarthmore's Tim Burke and Instapundit's brother, Jonathan Reynolds, help keep us up to speed on east and west African affairs. Rob MacDougall and Greg Robinson have special, first hand experience of English- and French-speaking Canada and their complex relations with the United States.
It is no insult to them to observe that Cliopatria is more cosmopolitan than its comparable cohorts, Crooked Timber, Liberty & Power, and The Volokh Conspiracy. There's an important role in blogging for specialization of all kinds and that's one reason why our specialists are so diverse in background, expertise, and interests.