Blogs > Cliopatria > ELECTION FRAUD IN KERMAN?

Jun 17, 2009


Why are Iranians questioning the validity of the election results? Well, consider the case of Kerman, a city of half a million located in the southeast part of the country. According to the election map published this morning in the NYT, Ahmadinejad won over 70% of the votes in Kerman province.

So what? you'd ask. Mousavi's influence is known to be limited to the big cities.

It is just that a few hours ago a video showing a very large pro Mousavi demonstration was posted on Youtube. Take thirty seconds to watch it.

Can such a demonstration have taken place in a genuine Ahmadinejad strong hold?

Now consider this piece of information found in Wikipedia:

Politics in Kerman are influenced by the former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, his brother and Vice President Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani, and the Vice President Hossein Marashi, both from the nearby Rafsanjan.

Rafsanjani is, of course, a major supporter of Mousavi. What are the chances that Ahmadinejad won over 70% of the votes there?

Photo of a Document prooving fraud can be found here.