The Bosnia and Haiti Quagmires: The Fruits of Intervention

More than ten years ago, U.S. troops invaded Haiti with the stated goal of restoring the rule of law and democratic self-government in Haiti. Now, according to the Plain Dealer,"Bands of former soldiers and armed residents looted police arsenals, set bonfires and fired shots into the air amid escalating chaos in the impoverished Caribbean nation. On Saturday, armed civilians set bonfires of tires to block a road in the southwestern town of Petit Goave, a day after they shot into the air and hurled stones at Sri Lankan peacekeepers who tried to wrest control of a police station from rebels."
Nine years ago, the Clinton administration helped to broker the Dayton Peace Accords. Among the stated goals was to establish"sovereign" democratic self-government and the rule of law. The BBC News reports today that Paddy Ashdown, the appointed UN viceroy, has"denied accusations that he acted unconstitutionally by sacking nine Bosnia Serb officials. The sackings have led to the prime minister and foreign minister resigning in protest."
Hat tip for the Bosnia story to Tom G. Palmer.