Blogs > Cliopatria > From Our Sidebar ...

Dec 11, 2004

From Our Sidebar ...

Cliopatria has added a new groupblog, Left2Right, to its list of blogs. It's a star-studded Lefty groupblog, just testing its wings. Let's see if they twinkle or fold. Even better, I think, are some of the new blogs added to our increasingly international History Blogroll: Before Dawn by a young Canadian historian; Blitztoire, a French language blog by a native of Belgium; Coffee Grounds, the blog of a New Zealander studying at the University of Minnesota; Dutchblog Israel, by a native of Holland who immigrated to Israel and posts in several languages; History News, a library blog for history faculty and students at Georgia State University; and Rob, the blog of a Canadian on a post-doc at Harvard, who specializes in 19th and 20th century American technology and business. MacDougall's blog is especially nicely designed; and he's got a terrific post up about his dissertation/book project, the early history of telephony in the United States and its, ah, lessons for the 21st century.

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