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steven potempa - 12/9/2004
The problem with your observation is that Mr. Annan is blocking all attempts for the U.S. congressional investigation to have access to the Oil for Food documents. It's easy to understand why Mr. Annan doesn't want to open up the records especially when his son is involved, as well as the implications this scandal may have on the nations (i.e. France, Germany, Russia, Pakistan, etc...) which were involved. I am sure Mr. Annan is busy falsifying records and destroying evidence that would identify by name the players involved in this scandal.
It seems to me that since Mr. Annan was in charge of the program he is DIRECTLY responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children by starvation which the OIL for FOOD program was suppose to prevent.
I am sorry but anybody who can't see the hypocrisy of the United Nations is just plain foolish. I could list the U.N. blunders but it would take to long. Even now the genocide continues in Darfur while the U.N. fails to act, just like the U.N. failure in Rwanda.
It is funny to me that highly educated people seem to be quite naive and foolish about the real world.