Yesterday's Memories ...
Another story vying for our collective memory yesterday was the attack on Pearl Harbor 63 years ago. I have no personal memory of it and yet it dramatically shaped world history in my childhood. We recall it as a classic case of American innocense abused. All the subsequent investigation into the background of that attack, including American resistance to Japan's desperate search for access to natural resources its islands did not yield, has not shaken our sense that here was the perfect example of perfidy,"a day that shall live in infamy." So much so, that in the daze after 9/11 Pearl Harbor was the analogue that sprang immediately to mind. There's perfidy enough in both Pearl Harbor and 9/11, but it is the twin myths of American innocense and the American colossus that we can interrogate more directly and effectively than the perfidy. Europe and Asia were already aflame and we had stood by, preserving a sense of our innocense. Terrorism had struck repeatedly in the Middle East, Africa, and even at our own Twin Towers, but we believed that somehow we were invulnerable – until Terror destroyed the symbolic centers of our commercial and military might. We re-assert those twin myths in Iraq today. Abu Grahib is no extension of conditions in our domestic prisons because we are an innocent people. We will reshape Iraq's future because we are a mighty force for truth, justice, and our national interests.
Yesterday's third claim on our collective memory is Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights that recalls the resistance of the Maccabees to forces of the Seleucid Empire and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem. Happy Chanukah to all the Cliopatriarchs and Cliopatria's readers! Its memory lies far beyond any of our reach and yet it remains as powerfully present as any of the others. Jews and Gentiles, alike, can admire powerful resistance to oppressors and devotion to a transcendent center of loyalty. Let the church and the temple and the mosque pray for the peace of Jerusalem and let us all pray for the peace of Baghdad.