Blogs > Liberty and Power > A World without Borders

Dec 7, 2004

A World without Borders

Max Borders announced his temporary retirement from blogging today, returning the title of "coolest name in the blogsphere" to L&P's Aeon Skoble.

More Comments:

Aeon J. Skoble - 12/7/2004

Well... Thanks! :-)

Common Sense - 12/7/2004

It's the spelling, Aeon, the spelling.... Your work on philosophy in pop cuture is pretty cool, too.

Aeon J. Skoble - 12/7/2004

I wasn't suggesting that he quit blogging, I was simply being critical of some straw-manning and disagreeing with some foundational issues.

Aeon J. Skoble - 12/7/2004

And it's real!
(and for the benefit of those new to L&P, it's prononuced as "Ian")