Blogs > Liberty and Power > What Obama Doesn't Want You to See

Aug 16, 2009

What Obama Doesn't Want You to See

Here are sixteen graphic photographs of alleged prisoner abuse, thought to be among up to 2,000 images Barack Obama is trying to prevent from being released.

Warning: this slideshow contains graphic and disturbing images to anyone who loves liberty.

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chris martin martin - 6/11/2009

hi i really like obama . i dont want to see it like these type of things..
he is an great person....
i just dont want to see this..
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CJ Maloney - 5/29/2009

I agree that these photos are shocking and disgusting, but the Telegraph is incorrect, these are not new and are not among the photos Obama is preventing release of. They are all lifted from the film "S.O.P.", which I would advise everyone to put on their Netflix queue.