End Taxpayer Support of PBS Propaganda
Although the program’s chief correspondent, Hedrick Smith, spent several hours interviewing him, Bartlett’s total on camera time ended up being about three seconds. In today’s column Bartlett relates some of the many salient facts left out of the Frontline attack piece. He wrote, “I also noted to Mr. Smith that Wal-Mart, all by itself, was responsible for a significant amount of the U.S. productivity miracle over the last decade. In a 2001 report, the McKinsey Global Institute, a respected think tank, concluded Wal-Mart's managerial innovations increased overall productivity by more than all the investments in computers and information technology of recent years. Other Frontline omissions included the fact that Wal-Mart’s lower prices primarily benefit the poor and research by University of Missouri economist Emek Basker, which concluded that when Wal-Mart comes to town local employment sees a permanent rise.
Bartlett’s column is one more piece of evidence in a long chain, which points to the conclusion that taxpayer funding of PBS distortion is an unjustified waste.