Noted Here and There ...
Nathanael Robinson of Rhine River has been tinkering with the idea of a blog or a group blog which links to known posts about history and historical practice. Here's his trial run at it: the Dictionary of Received Ideas. If you are interested in participating in the project, contact him.
My young friend, Andrew Ackerman, is now working for David Corn at The Nation. Recently, Andrew noticed that, while American troops have been engaged at Fallujah, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been on a goodwill tour of Latin America. Take it away, Andrew ...
Whether he intends to be or not, Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo is doing the work of the Lord. Slowly, systematically, he is calling out each of the Republican members of the House of Representatives: Did you or did you not support the change of rules which would allow Tom DeLay to continue as House Majority Leader even if he is indicted in Texas? (Just keep scrolling down) They can run; they will try to hide; they can be led around by the power and authority of an indicted man, but Marshall is shining a spotlight on the whole sleazy business.
Thanks to HNN, we know now that Niall Ferguson has acquired the Great House of Sker in Wales, which dates back to the 12th century. I started to say something terribly snarky about that, but there just isn't snark enough to do it justice. Maybe the Cliopatriarch of Wales should run around to Sker for a nice photo op with Niall at his new digs.
In"Six Degrees of Condescension" and"Damage Survey" at Easily Distracted, Tim Burke continues his post-election discussion with his critics, including Clayton Cramer and, more seriously, Radley Balko.
Finally, Adam Kotsko remembers"Reading Moments."