Blogs > Cliopatria > In Case You Haven't Seen It ...

Nov 19, 2004

In Case You Haven't Seen It ...

here's"The Depressed Democrat's Guide to Recovery." (Thanks to Andrew Sullivan)

Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age by Kevin Boyle of Ohio State University has won the National Book Award for Non-Fiction. In doing so, it edged out the surprise nominee, the 9/11 Commission Report. Boyle had previously published The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism (1995), with Victoria Gettis, Muddy Boots and Ragged Aprons: Images of Working Class Detroit, 1900-1930 (1997), and Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994: The Labor-Liberal Alliance (1998).

You can forget about the New York Times and the Washington Post. Oscar Chamberlain's post at Cliopatria is Yahoo's #1 site, #1 on CNN/Money and #3 on MSN on the merger of K-Mart and Sears.

At Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds has pictures of Jonathan Reynolds, Jonathan's wife, Victoria, and their new son, William Glenn Uti Reynolds.

John Tierney's piece in the New York Times about the liberal/left's domination of the humanities and social sciences in higher education is getting a lot of attention today on the net, including Liberty & Power's Steve Horwitz and Tyler Cowan at The Volokh Conspiracy. Kevin Murphy at Ghost in the Machine suggests that conservatives might want to clear some room for themselves in academe by electing the lefty academics to public office.

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More Comments:

Bridget D. Collins - 11/18/2004

Kevin was my advisor at UMass and he is an amazing historian and teacher (I also TA'd for him). I highly recommend the book - it is ostensively a biography of Ossian Sweet, but it is really a synthesis of so much rich material on the Talented Tenth, Jim Crow, housing segregation, the KKK, medical education in the United States, and a dozen other subjects. I couldn't think of a more deserving historian.

chris l pettit - 11/18/2004

the fellas over at L&P will appreciate this...

I think it is in the "Notes in the Margin" section...