Blogs > Cliopatria > Hijinks. Williams Style

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David Lion Salmanson - 12/1/2004

Swarthmore has fall and spring, Williams has mud and snow. Swarthmore has Philadelphia, Williams has er, Williamstown. Williams has lower admissions for football players (hey, you said it yourself above). Swarthmore cut football rather than compromise it's admission standards.

Saying Williams has sports is about like saying you are the AA baseball champ. It is a true claim as far as it goes, but we are talking big fish in a very small pond.

Derek Charles Catsam - 11/30/2004

Nice try. Williams has sports. Williams has the Berkshires. Swarthmore's campus cannot compare. But I appreciate the loyalty, however misguided.

David Lion Salmanson - 11/30/2004

Well, there must not be much to do up there in the middle of nowhere if Amherst is considered to be somewhere. Students at a certain Philadelphia area small liberal arts college with consistently high US News rankings have better things to do. And a prettier campus. And..., oh hell Swat has Tim Burke... we win.