Around Cliopatria's Circle ...
Cliopatriarchs are, nonetheless, imperialist powermongers, who have occupied a lot of territory on HNN's mainpage. KC Johnson expands on his thoughts here to explain"Why the Democrats Won't Win Back the Congress for a Long Long Time." And Cliopatria's Contributing Editor, Sean Wilentz, explains that,"It Wasn't Morality that Divided Bush and Kerry Voters, It Was ...".
In other parts of the world, Sharon Howard scouts Africa (scroll down, ignoring the foot fetishist stuff, but do check out her comments and links about the history of ball games), uncovers an abundance of resources on the net, including Jonathan Reynolds's H-Africa, and asks whether a periodization such as"early modern" serves African history very well. I suppose some Africanists would argue that we had better learn to say"African histories". Sharon's African cornucopia inspired Natallie Bennett at Philobiblion to wander over to the British Museum and give us a look at some wonderful pieces of pottery produced by a gendered Africa.
You've been missing a lot if you haven't followed Tim Burke's post-election discussions with Jeanne D'Arc, Russell Arben Fox, Kieran Healy, Jim Henley, Mark Schmitt, Brian Ulrich, and Matt Yglesias. And I mean a lot. For Tim's most important statements, see:"Ship of Fools","Moral Values, Divided Universalisms, and Parasitic Anti-Modernities,""And Another Thing,""The Road to Victory" (scroll down for the pdf) and"Why Is Equality Good?" It almost makes a Tim Burke addict, like me, wish our elections occurred more often. (I can't believe I said that, but thanks to Abu Aardvark who helped me keep up with it all!)