Blogs > Cliopatria > Lovely ...

Nov 8, 2004

Lovely ...

Occasionally, I think, we need to read what our critics post. So, I sometimes cite Clayton Cramer, for the purpose of challenging what he has said. Well, Clayton's found an ally on the net, Cliopatria's old friend, Grant Jones. In the aftermath of the election, what I love about this post is its graciousness:
The pissing and moaning at some academic blogs is entertainment you can't pay for. Gloat...Gloat...Gloat...

My favorite is from Timothy Burke,"they hate me, they really, really hate me" You see, it is not possible to honestly disagree with the Left. All who voted for George W. Bush are motivated by HATE. This vilification of the"right" is sure to be a real vote getter in 2008. But, not to worry Tim, you can always fill out emigration papers for Canada. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Before you think that all academics have lost it, go here and here.

Mr. Jones reminds me of the bumper sticker that we used to see occasionally in my part of the world:"If your heart's not in Dixie, then get your ass out!" It was aimed, of course, at those of us who thought Dixie needed to get over its commitment to racial segregation. It was unworthy, even, of Dixie. And, so too, is Grant Jones's gloating post unworthy of those of us who love the United States. Of course, it is possible to disagree with the Right and to disagree with the Left, but it is not possible to govern a nation composed of both, if your ungracious hostility is so manifest as it is in Grant Jones. Moons like this only expose his own posterior. Mr. Jones has much to learn from the beautiful spirit of Caleb McDaniel's Open Letter to the World and his Open Letter to America.

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More Comments:

Richard Henry Morgan - 11/9/2004

Join the crowd, Mr. Jones. Cramer has been labelled my "mentor", though I've never had him for a teacher, talked to him, nor even met him.

Ralph E. Luker - 11/9/2004

Sorry, Mr. Grant, you are wrong. You are the one telling folks to get their ass out of the United States. Accept responsibility for your own offensiveness.

Grant W Jones - 11/9/2004

I was going to give Ralph's oblique smear a pass, "Mr. Jones reminds me of...It was those of us who thought Dixie needed to get over its commitment to racial segregation." But, I think not. So making light of sore losers (gloating) is reminiscent of segregation?

"Ungracious hostility," I think its called projection.

Jonathan Dresner - 11/8/2004

Neither allow comments, either.

Ralph E. Luker - 11/8/2004

Grant, You and Cramer have a lot of bigotry in common.

Grant W Jones - 11/8/2004

As the old saying goes, "just spell my name right."

One question, how is someone I've never met or barely heard of an "ally?" I'll check out Cramer's website, thanks for the tip.

Maarja Krusten - 11/8/2004

HNN's banner says "HNN Features Articles and Op Eds by Historians from Both the Left and the Right." Maybe that is why I get so few takers when I ask questions from the center, LOL. Seriously, I am one of those people who disagrees with the right and with the left at times. To see an exchange I had with a conservative Republican about winning graciously and national unity, check out and, if you don't lose interest (I know reading about left right red meat is more interesting than questions asked from the center), also the drill down links embedded therein.