Blogs > Liberty and Power > Helen Lovejoyism: A Continuing Series

Aug 16, 2009

Helen Lovejoyism: A Continuing Series

Today's entry, courtesy of Virginia Democrat Jim Moran:
You’ve all seen them. Those ubiquitous TV ads where a simple little pill transforms a man suffering from erectile dysfunction, or ED, into a virile tiger who puts a smile on the face of his now beaming wife.

Well, Representative Jim Moran (D-VA) has seen them too, and you’d be hard pressed to see a smile on his face when he talks about the ads. “A number of people,” he says, “have come up, including colleagues, and said I’m fed up. I don’t want my three or four-year old grandkid asking me what erectile dysfunction is all about. And I don’t blame them.”

Enter H.R. 2175. That’s a bill that Rep. Moran introduced last month that would prohibit any ED ads from airing on broadcast radio and TV between 6AM and 10PM. The bill advises the Federal Communications Commission to treat these ads as “indecent” and instruct stations to restrict their broadcast to late night and overnight hours.

Yes, because parents, of course, cannot be put in to the situation of either monitoring what their kids watch or actually having to explain (or concoct a suitable white lie) what the commercial is about. Better the state should"tsk, tsk" the First Amendment in order to save the children from, gasp!, hearing about penises and sex.

Lots of Lovejoyism on display in the comments at the CNN story on his bill.

(For the Helen Lovejoy reference, go here or here.)

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More Comments:

John Petrie - 5/9/2009

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN?!!