252,000 years in 56 Pages
World History is a particularly daunting field, with the art being in making sense of the world without going on forever (a-la Will & Ariel Durant). David Christian (advocate and defender of "Big History" ) now seems to have raised (shortened?) the bar by having written a 56 page survey of human history entitled "This Fleeting World," ( free pdf download) which is part of the soon-to-be available Berkshire Encyclopedia of Word History. (Full disclosure -- I contributed an essay on"Africa as a Concept in World History" to the volume, which, along with many other letter-A articles, is available as a free pdf sample .).
Some historians may take exception to the fact that Christian doesn't exactly plumb the depths of the many controversies raised in his tour of world history, but doing so would have rendered the exercise impossible. As it stands, it makes a dandy overview and should serve to help bring potential instructors of World History up to speed on"Grand Narratives" in minimal time. A doff of the cyber-cap to Dr. Christian, with bonus points for sheer historical chutzpah.