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Oct 21, 2004

Sox Diary: Four More Games

Thursday, October 21, 2004: Four more wins.

That is what it is going to take. Four more victories, whether by overwhelming knockout or knock-down, drag-out fight. Do not get me wrong – pathetic though it may seem for someone who is not a passionate sports fan, last night was one of the greatest of my life, even though for most of it, it wasn’t. Only a Red Sox fan can understand being almost violently nauseous with a seven-run lead in the bottom of the ninth inning. Only a Red Sox fan can understand why I was screaming at Tito Francona and my television when he took Derek Lowe out for Pedro (the stupidest and most inexplicable decision by a human being in my lifetime). Only a Red Sox fan can understand why, after a night of screaming and yelling and entreating and pleading, I could only sink to my knees, prostrate before whatever it is that makes me do this to myself, and weep just a little bit. Only a Red Sox fan can know.

I may well have succumbed to convulsions or paroxysms or an aneurysm last night had we not taken a solid lead and run with it from the first inning on. Another Dale Svuem moment, in which he ran Johnny Damon into a (close) out at home plate despite the fact that Manny’s single was to shallow right and Jesus H. Damon had not yet reached third when Matsui gathered up the ball, might have been the felling blow, except that seconds later Ortiz jacked a home run to put us up 2-0 and spot us a lead that we would never relinquish.

The rest is something of a blur. In the second Johnny came in with the bases loaded and smashed the first offering of Kevin brown’s replacement, Javier Vazquez, into the right field bleachers to make it 6-0. No one in Red Sox Nation felt entirely comfortable, but at the same time, with the belief that we all have developed in this team, we knew that things were going to be different from the past, even if we did not dare articulate it. And believe me, in the stream of phone calls between my friends and me, especially my half-inning by half-inning updates with Rob and my regular calls with Pep, we did everything to skirt the obvious: That we were about to slay the monster and put all of the talk, the curse talk, the ghost talk, the Babe Ruth talk, to rest.

And none of it would have happened without Derek Lowe. We all knew that he would have a role to play in this series, and most of us suspected that Sunday night’s quality start was not the end of that role. He simply had the best pitching performance of a Red Sox starter since, since, well, since I do not know when. He went six innings and gave up one hit and one run. His sinkerball was nasty, cutting the corners and virtually unhittable. He looked like a guy with redemption on his mind. Or a contract. Or simply a World Series ring. Whatever it was, he was masterful, and I was murderous when it was clear that Pedro was not simply throwing to get his side work in between starts.

Of course Pedro came in, to the inevitable “Who’s Your Daddy” chants and he was all over the place. He gave up two runs, and while toward the end he was showing flashes of 1999 (97 mph fastballs – we’d best see those on Saturday night, or my homicidal rage may re-emerge), he never ought to have been out there no matter what reason Tito gives – and we have not yet heard one.

But this is not a Sox team to be daunted. And once the Pedro experiment ended, mercifully after an inning, our relief corps got it done again – Timlin pitching for five outs, with Embree coming on to induce the grounder to Pokey that sent Red Sox Nation into a collective clebration that probably will not subside until Saturday night.

And there is Saturday night. It was glorious to win last night. And yes, it was all the better to have done it against the Yankees, who allowed the Red Sox to stage the greatest comeback in sports history. But this is not about the Yankees, even if beating them in their house makes it all the better. This is about the Red Sox. And let there be no mistake about it, it is also about us, the fans, Red Sox Nation. But while we will all celebrate and dance and walk around like zombies, albeit like zombies with perma-grin, there is still a job to do. Tonight we will watch the Cards and Astros hopefully bash the hell out of one another (I’d like an order of extra innings with extra relief pitchers please). We will bask in one of the greatest victories of our life, and surely of the greatest Sox victory we have ever seen. But the guys definitely know, we all do, that there are four more wins to get.

As for what it means to have beaten the Yankees, I’ll let an email that Rob sent me before the game yesterday sum it up:

I have to say, I'm not nervous at all. I've transcended it. I'm excited. I'm ready to go. Let's get it on. Like I said, I've taken the approach that it's house money. The Yanks own us. They've owned us for 85 years. If they win tonight, they own us for 86. What's the difference? We've got nothing to lose. But they do--we are putting our chips on the table in an attempt to win something huge. We made 56,000 NY fans shut up for a while last night. We can make millions of them shut up forever tonight. What's not to be excited about? This is how it has to be--I said before the series started that I wanted to win it in the fashion where we run up big numbers, hit batters and give the finger to everyone in the stadium before we leave … . This is bigger than that. You NY fans want to talk about how long it's been since we won the World Series? You want to talk about how close we've been? You want to talk about our big chokes? Well, he're you go, … the biggest choke in sports history. You think it's been fun reliving the curse every year--well get ready to relive the biggest choke in sports history every time a team goes down 3-0. Knicks get down 3-0 to the Pistons in the playoffs? Here comes the highlights of the Sox. Rangers get down 3-0 to the Flyers? Here come the Sox highlights. Hell, the Padres in 2025 get down 3-0 to the Dodgers? Here comes the Sox highlight. This is not a situation to fear. This is a situation to embrace. The one good thing I remember Pitino saying was on opening night of his first season when the C's took a decent lead over the world champion Bulls into the fourth quarter and the Bulls started coming back, he called a timeout and said"stop staring at the clock and wishing it would get to zero--you are about to beat the world champions on opening night-go out and play and enjoy it." If we take that approach tonight, we'll win. This series is about redemption. I said it before. For things that happened this series, this year and last year and forever. Schilling got it. Bellhorn got it. Foulke got it. Wakefield got it. Lowe got it. Arroyo got it. I don't know what Ortiz needed redemption for, but whatever it was, he got it. Tonight, a few more guys get it. We win this game the way we've won so many others--with Damon getting on base and moving along, with Manny driving in runs and with Pedro coming in to pitch the last five innings and get the win. It's going to happen and when it does the Red Sox and all their fans get redemption. F Kevin Brown. F getting runs off him. F the whole Yankees team and F the whole city of New York. As Mikey said in the Goonies when everyone wanted to ride up the bucket in the wishing well and go home,"it's our time right now--out there, it's been their time, but right now, it's our time." I'll be nervous come game time. I'll do the routine. I'll bring out the thunderstick if needed. But I'm going to enjoy the hell out of his. We have a chance to take the greatest franchise in the history of American sports and pin on them the most embarrassing loss in this history of American sports. Embrace it. Enjoy the moment. It's finally our time. I'm out--will talk to you later tonight.
And yes, we still believe.

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More Comments:

Jesse David Lamovsky - 10/23/2004

No, I'm not sure Damon didn't get to the plate in front of the tag. But the throw beat him, the tag was low on the body, and when those two things take place, most of the time the umpire is going to make an 'out' call regardless of whether the runner got to the plate in time or not.

If there are two outs in the inning, yeah, absolutely Damon should be waved home, even with Ortiz coming to the plate. But not with one out. And again, although you can't assume Matsui is going to make a good play in that situation, you can assume Jeter will.

Actually, the luckiest guy in the Red Sox clubhouse right now is Dale Sveum. If they lose Game Seven by one run or in extra innings, given the criticism he has taken all season in Boston, Sveum would probably be the first man to walk the plank. I think the Red Sox fired Wendell Kim after the '98 Division Series loss to the Indians for sending a man who got thrown out at the plate in the last game, so I'm pretty sure there is a precedent.

Richard Henry Morgan - 10/22/2004

A reasonable argument. But it ignores the fact that Matsui picked up and discharged the ball with an efficiency he has never otherwise displayed. I prefer the Ortiz argument -- chances are he would at least get a sacrifice fly. But are those chances better than the chances that the Matsui to Jeter to home relay would not be flawless? Now even with all that, are you going to tell me that you're sure Damon was out? 'Cause I'm still not convinced he was, because I haven't seen all the angles in stop motion. Barstool questions and arguments, without the Jameson's (unfortunately).

Jesse David Lamovsky - 10/22/2004

Got to disagree with you on sending Damon home in that situation. With only one out, with Big Papi coming to the plate, with Damon having made a dead stop between second and third, it just made sense to hold the runner. Not to mention that the relay man was Derek Jeter, and he's going to make a perfect throw in that situation about 99% of the time.

Steven Heise - 10/21/2004

Just in case you want to see how the other side is reacting to last night's game:

I don't know why, but I take perverse pleasure in reading the whining and moaning of Yankees fans, maybe its because I missesd the 80s when the Bronx Bombers couldn't bribe their way into a World Series.

Congrats Prof. Catsam, and, here's to the Sox winning so I don't have to listen to any more whining from the New England area about how cursed they are.


Jesse David Lamovsky - 10/21/2004

Incredible. As a baseball fan, as an American League man, as a Yankee-hater, I congratulate the Red Sox for their accomplishment. And for letting us watch some History, with a capital H.

Don Graves - 10/21/2004 the wilderness

"The man in the wilderness asked me
How many strawberries grew in the sea.
I answered him, as I thought good,
As many as red herrings grew in the wood."

I hear there may be fish in Boston's wilderness!

Ben H. Severance - 10/21/2004

Congrats Derek,

The Red Sox have decisively destroyed the Yankee curse and did so in crushing fashion last night; way to go Damon. (It was nice to see Matsui slap Pedro around.)

Now it is time to exorcise the World Series curse. But I doubt it. As a neutral observer, I think it would hilarious if Boston won the first three games, but lost the series in a vicious turnabout. Winning it all would just be too much. Best to savor the Yankee steak this time round and deal with "1918" next year.

Richard Henry Morgan - 10/21/2004

I said that without Schilling it was a contest -- well, they had him, and it wasn't a contest.

BTW, I would have sent Damon home too. Matsui played it better than he has ever played a ball, the relay was faultless, and I'm still not sure Damon was actually out. McCarver said you won't see that play more than 3 or 4 times (which suggests the odds were in Damon's favour), and then when Ortiz cranked one, McCarver turned around and said what a mistake it was to have sent Damon. Wrong. Just because he was "out" doesn't mean it was wrong to send him.