Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Good Guys Aren't in Government

Oct 15, 2004

The Good Guys Aren't in Government

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Pat Lynch - 10/15/2004

the field of history finally gets an infusion of level-headed people like those blogging with us who can appreciate the contributions of the private sector. I'm afraid too many will still focus on politicians and other "do-gooders."

Keith Halderman - 10/15/2004

I think that 100 years from now historians will be hailing Bill Gates as a person who did most for the world at the turn of the last century. They will commend him for the way he made his fortune, directly creating tens of thousands of jobs and a number of millioniares as well as greatly increasing the productivity of everyone else.
He will also, as you point out in your post, receive approval for how he used his fortune.